

大量: a huge amount / a large number



大量的 1. a mass of 2. abundant 3. large numbers of 4. plentiful 5. substantive 6. vast
a large number of, a mass of
a great number of , a great deal of
large quantity



只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, a good supply of



大量、许多的 修饰可数名词:many, a lot of, lots of, a number of, a great number of, 修饰不可数名词much, a lot of, lots of, a great amount of , a great deal of, a bit of
a lot of ~ lots of ~ many~ much~ some ~ a large number of ~
a lot of + [C]/[U] lots of +[C]/[U] many + c much + u a mount of + u a plenty of + u * c=可数名词 u=不可数名词 谢谢!
a lot of many bunch a large number of plenty scores of 都是不可数


1.destroyed 2.photo 3.tourists 4.proud 5.limit 6.culture 7.ruins 8.life 9.points 10.continents 11.hospitaled 12.athlete 13.moto 14.medals 15.torch 16.badmiton 17.soccer 18. 19.feather
2.photo 12.athlete 13.motto 14.medals 15.torch 16.badminton
1、The car was terribly damaged in the accident. 2、She found an old photo / picture of herself,which swa taken when she was a little girl at school. 3、On Sunday there are many tourists in the place of interest. 4、Parents are often proud of their children when they get successful. 5、A new law has been passed to Iimit pollution of the air. 6、When you are in a foreign country,you can learn its language and its culture. 7、After the earthquake,a team was organized to search through the ruins for those people who were still live. 8、During his Iife ,the most important thing is to seek the money and success. 9、She always gets good points in any subiects. 10、Aisa is one of the large continents . 11、As Mr.Hill was away, Tom,the eldest son,hosted the guests at the dinner party. 12、An a___ is a person trained for competing in physical exericses and outdoor games. 13、"No pains,no gains"is my m___. 14、The Chinese team won 28 gold medals in the 27th Olympic Games in Sydney. 15、Do you know who carried the torch at the opening of the 8th Aisa Games in 1990 in Beijing? 16、Zhang Ning is my favorite badminton player. 17、Ronald is one of the most popular s___ football players. 18、__Do you know how to make a friendly g___ to others? __Smile first. 19、Fur is the thick coat of soft hair covering the skin of an animal, such as a fox or a bear.
1damaged2pal3tourists4proud5limit6culture7remains8这个实在不会了9points10continents11hosted12athlete 13motto14medals15torch16badminton17soccer18greet19fur
destoryed tourists proud limite culture ruins life points continnents 1-10 2不知道


英语单词记忆方法与英语学习方法 人们通常认为掌握一门外语要过三关(语音关、词汇关、语法关),斩六将(听、说、读、写、译),相对来说,掌握英语单词是最难过的一关。英语的词汇量大,总词汇量至少在60万以上,实用词汇量为8千至1万,基本词汇量为4千。 一般的说,掌握英语单词没有什么捷径可走,但我们可以选择一些不同方法来记忆英语单词,下面介绍几种常用的记忆英语单词的方法。单词记住后一定要通过读课文或背课文来巩固,或按照遗忘曲线来复习。 1.逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。1)把几个字母看作做一个来记如:"ight" light, right, fight, night, might, sight, tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge “桥”看成 b+ridge ridge "山脊”sharp 看成 s+harp harp "竖琴。3)外新内旧,如:cleave “劈开”看成 c+leave, tact "机智:看成 t+act 2 联想记忆:1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye 把两个e看成两个眼。banana 把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird 把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong 锣 coo 咕咕声。 3.构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 在这些记忆法当中,我觉得联想记忆效果比较好,特别适合记那些难记住的单词,下面是我找的一些例子,请大家参考: Weird a. 不可思议的 分解为we+ird,ird就是没有头的bird(少了开头的字母b),联想一个情景:一觉醒来我们变成了无头的小鸟,这的确是个不可思议的事情啊。 Bliss n. 好福气,天福 谐音“不理事”, 联想一个情景:一个人什么事情都不要做,什么事情都不要打理,别人什么事情都给他做得好好的,这个人真是天生的好福气。 Dearth n. 饥荒,饥馑 分解为d+earth,d为“冻”的汉语拼音的开头字母,earth为土地,联想一个情景:当土地冻起来之后就长不出庄稼,所以要闹饥荒,闹饥馑。 Waif n. 无家可归者 分解为wai+f,wai为“外”的汉语拼音,f为“放” 的汉语拼音的开头字母,联想一个情景:一个人被外放的时候,他必定是有家难回。 Pore vi. 钻研 谐音“泡”, 联想一个情景:一个科学家在钻研问题时需要花很多的精力,要在里面“泡掉”许多时间。 Pauper n. 穷人 分解为paper+u,paper是“纸”,u借用汉语读音“有”, 联想一个情景:富人有的是钱,但穷人光有纸没有钱,所以光有纸的人就是穷人。 Caprice n. 怪想法 分解为cap+rice,cap是“帽子”,rice为“大米”, 联想一个情景:我们平时把大米都是放在米缸里或米袋里,但有一个人说,我不用米缸装大米,也不用米袋装大米,我要用帽子来装大米,这个人的这个想法就是怪想法。 Languid a. 没精打采的 谐音“懒鬼的”, 联想一个情景:一个懒鬼什么事情都不愿意做,什么事情都不想做,所以每天都是无精打采的。 Elf n. 淘气鬼 与self(自己)相比较,elf是少了头的“自己”, 联想一个情景:一个小孩子很顽皮,他把自己的头都给玩没有了,真是不折不扣的淘气鬼。 Cactus n. 仙人掌 分解为c+act+us,c为“刺” 的汉语拼音的开头字母,act是“作用”,us是“我们”, c+act+us就是“有刺作用于我们”, 联想一个情景:仙人掌最大的特征就是浑身有刺,我们只要用手去碰,它的刺就会扎我们。 句子比单词重要 中国人学英语,最常用的方法是背单词,甚至有人以能背出一本词典为荣,但是词典上的解释是死的,语言的运用却是活的,机械的理解会造成很大的误解。词典不是最重要的,关键在于语境。可以说,单词没有多少实际运用的价值,机械记忆的单词量再大,也不会真正提高你的外语水平。要养成背诵句子的好习惯,因为句子中既包含了发音规则,又有语法内容,还能表明某个词在具体语言环境中的特定含义。 不要学“古董英语”。任何语言都是活的,每天都会发展,学习陈旧的语言毫无新鲜感,而且基本无处可用。不鲜活、不入时、不风趣幽默的语言不是我们要学的语言,多读外文报纸、多看原版影视作品才会有助于补充新词汇。 很多人以为,把单词拆成一个个字母背熟就可以正确地拼写出来,其实,科学的方法是把读音、拼写和用法融为一体,同步进行,眼口手脑并用,并把它应用到句子里面去理解。

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