
接待他的那个海关是友好的。 his host the customs is friendly.



报关有import entry ,declare at customs, apply to customs 商检是commodity inspection



报关行( Customs broker )是指专门代办进出境报关业务的企业。就是在货物、行李和邮递物品、运输工具等进出关境或国境时由所有人或其代理人向海关申报,交验规定的单据、证件,请求海关办理进出口的有关手续。


4,报关 英语怎么

-报关: customs declaration;clearance of goods;declare at the customs;customs entry customs declaration出口货物的报关( Customs Declaration)是指出口货物的发货人或其代理人、出境运输工具的负责人向海关申报、交验规定的单据和证件,请求办理货物或运输工具出境手续等
报关名词:customs declaration动词: make a customs declaration
declaredeclare sth. at the customs


customs declarant 报关员Inspection staff 报检员
<p>报关员的 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.examda.com%2fbgy%2f" target="_blank">http://www.examda.com/bgy/</a></p> <p>报检员的 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.examda.com%2fbaojian%2f" target="_blank">http://www.examda.com/baojian/</a></p> <p>以上是一些历年真题与模拟试题 你参考着做做吧&nbsp; 相关你的问题&nbsp; 在里面有详细的说明&nbsp; 自己链接一下</p> <p>找出你想知道与关心的问题 介绍的很全面</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


ad valorem duty 从价税   allowance 津贴   appraiser 鉴定人,验估人   bonded warehouse 保税仓库   cleating fee 出港手续费   clearing notice 出港通知书   condemned goods 没收货物 (=confiscated goods)   consumption tax 消费税   contraband 违禁品   custom house 海关 (=customs)   customs broker 报关行   customs documents 海关文件   customs duty 关税 (=tariff)   customs invoice 海关发票   declaration for export (E/D) 出口申报单 (=export declaration)   declaration for import 进口申报单 (=import declaration)   delivery order 提货单   differential duties 差别关税   drawback 退税   dutiable goods 应纳税的货物   entrance fee 入港手续费   evasion of duty 逃税   excise duty 国内消费税   exempt 免税   fine 罚款   free goods 免税品   godown 仓库   import tariff 进口税则   most favored nation clause 最优惠国家条款   national tariff 国定税率   personal effects 私人用品   preference 特惠,优先   retaliatory duties 报复关税   slipping 移转   smuggled goods 走私货   specific duty 从量税   storage 仓租   tariff 税则,关税   transit duty 过境税

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